
Sheikh Yusuf Harun

Executive Chairman, Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority

Shaikh Yusuf Harun has taken over the charge of the Executive Chairman of Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) on July 7, 2021. Prior to that he discharged his duties with a distinguished career spanning over three decades during which he held various high level positions including Senior Secretary at the Ministry of Public Administration, as Secretary at the Medical Education & Family Welfare Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Additional Secretary at Appointment, Promotion & Deputation (APD) wing of the Ministry of Public Administration for more than two years. He acquired dexterity in Human Resource Management by working at this pivotal post of Civil Service. Moreover, he worked for more than three years as Director General at Prime Minister’s Office. During this time, he had the opportunity to work on industry, health & agriculture sector, non-government organization, investment, private sector development, Public Private Partnership (PPP), Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA), Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA), Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA). Besides, he acted as Joint Secretary (College) at the Ministry of Education in Education System Management.